The action was organized by the Mordovian Republican Patriotic Association "Poisk" and the civic and Patriotic Youth Center with the support of the State Committee for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Mordovia.
Andrey Shimkiv visited two rural educational institutions on the Day of Knowledge. He visited a school in the village of Stepnoy and an educational institution in the village of Preobrazhenka.
According to the results of a survey conducted by the inFOM research company commissioned by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in February 2025, the price expectations of Russians decreased.
It is expected that more than 5 million square meters of living space and about 1 million business areas will appear on the territory of 1,500 hectares.
Kazan hosted a meeting of city residents with architects and curators of the landscaping project for the second stage of the boulevard on Serov Street, during which the planned functional areas of the space were discussed.