In Nizhny Novgorod, the state expert examination issued a positive opinion on the project of the main educational building of the information technology campus.
Andrey Shimkiv visited two rural educational institutions on the Day of Knowledge. He visited a school in the village of Stepnoy and an educational institution in the village of Preobrazhenka.
The Head of the Voronezh Region, Alexander Gusev, met with the Chairman of the Commission on Ecology of the regional Public Chamber, Nadezhda Storozhenko.
Customers will be able to set up transaction limits in four key categories: loans, savings, payments, and money transfers. The possibility of self-restrictions is introduced to counteract fraudsters.
In 2025, the Ministry of Transport will launch an interregional passenger transportation control system. It will be introduced in fifty regions of the Russian Federation, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.
During the session of the legislative assembly, the head of the Irkutsk region, Igor Kobzev, announced plans to completely ban the mining of cryptocurrencies in areas with a shortage of electricity.
In 2024, SMEs managed to attract over 4.6 billion rubles of concessional financing for the purchase and modernization of production equipment on lease. The operator of this program is a branch of the SME Corporation, JSC "SME Leasing".
The decision was made in connection with the abolition of state regulation of prices and is designed to prevent fuel shortages in the country and a sharp increase in its cost. The restrictions will be in effect from February 1 to March 29, 2025.
Rosprirodnadzor employees have identified large-scale contamination of land plots in Irkutsk. The damage to the soil was caused by waste from wood processing.
Deputy Andrey Zachupeyko took part in the work of the communicative training with the participation of members of the Youth Council of the city Parliament and the Center for Personnel Assessment, Monitoring and Youth Policy of the Southern Railway.