On January 16, 2025, the Moscow Stock Exchange Index (IMOEX) increased by 2.3 percent at the beginning of the trading session, reaching the level of 2908.74 units.
Two regions of the Russian Federation, the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus, have requested 30 billion rubles in preferential loans for the development of the tourism industry from Dom RF Bank.
Andrey Shimkiv visited two rural educational institutions on the Day of Knowledge. He visited a school in the village of Stepnoy and an educational institution in the village of Preobrazhenka.
The decision to carry out construction and repair work was made in connection with the upcoming 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Residents of the district can find out whether the MKD is included in the overhaul program, as well as the timing of work, on the website of the Capital Repair Fund.
The list of credit institutions that have received the largest number of substantiated complaints, as well as information about penalties and fines against them from the regulator, will begin to be published from 2025.