In January 2025, Russians took out fewer loans to purchase goods directly in stores. 222,000 such loans were issued in the amount of 13.8 billion rubles.
It is expected that more than 5 million square meters of living space and about 1 million business areas will appear on the territory of 1,500 hectares.
Andrey Shimkiv visited two rural educational institutions on the Day of Knowledge. He visited a school in the village of Stepnoy and an educational institution in the village of Preobrazhenka.
The State Duma adopted in the first reading a law according to which companies will be required to register products in the Federal Information Standards Fund.
The document provides for a mandatory delay in the issuance of consumer loans, and also introduces a number of requirements for banks and MFIs to prevent fraud.
The price increase is due to increased demand for the transportation of oil and petroleum products from the Middle East, Africa and America due to the introduction of US anti-Russian sanctions.