Entrepreneurs have submitted 125 thousand applications for trademark registration

Entrepreneurs have submitted 125 thousand applications for trademark registration
December 19th. /MEDIA TALK/. Russian businesses submitted 15.6% more applications for trademark registration in 11 months of the year than in the same period of 2023. In total, Rospatent received 125.6 thousand appeals, said the head of the department, Yuri Zubov.

Most often, entrepreneurs in the field of light industry applied to the Federal Intellectual Property Service for registration of their brand - 21.2% of applications were received from clothing and footwear manufacturers. 17.7% of applications were received from the creators of software and electronics, 13.4% from manufacturers of household chemicals and cosmetics, 11.9% from printed products and stationery. Every tenth appeal came from confectionery (10.7%) and pharmaceutical companies (10.3%).

Photo: ru.freepik.com

Representatives of the service sector also register their trademarks. Most often this year, these were entrepreneurs from the field of advertising and product promotion (43.3%), education, entertainment and fitness (17.9%), programming and IT technologies (14.4%), construction (11.0%), catering and hotel services (10.4%).

Traditionally, the largest number of applications came from Moscow (29.5%), the Moscow region (9%) and St. Petersburg (8%).

We recently reported that Russian businesses registered 19% more franchises in 2024 than a year earlier.
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