The Republic of Tatarstan became the leader in the number of applications for nine months — 520.6 thousand, followed by the Krasnodar Territory and the Moscow Region — 507 and 492.9 thousand units, respectively. The highest share of approved requests was also recorded in Tatarstan — 25.2%, followed by the Chuvash Republic and the Kirov Region (24.6 and 22.3%, respectively).
Photo: ru.freepik.com
The NBKI explained that the demand for car loans this year has become a record, but the strict policy of the Central Bank does not allow loans to be issued to credited citizens. For this reason, banks focus on customers with a high level of solvency.
Recall that in September of this year, residents of the Russian Federation rushed to issue car loans before increasing scrap collection. The banks clarified that the result of last month in terms of loans issued for cars could break all records.