Sales of new passenger cars in Russia increased by almost 60 over the year%

Sales of new passenger cars in Russia increased by almost 60 over the year%
November 7th. /MEDIA TALK/. Autostat Info experts analyzed the market of new and used cars and found multidirectional trends.

Sales of new vehicles, primarily Pickup semi-trucks, showed significant growth (an annual increase of 73%). Passenger cars are in second place - 1,309,998 of them were registered in 10 months of 2024 (+59%). Only new trucks have negative indicators, they were sold by 9% less.


As for the secondary market, there is a decline in all types of vehicles, on average it amounted to 5%. The exception was the re-registration of buses - they remained at the level of 2023.

Among the factors influencing prices and, accordingly, the demand for new cars, experts call the new conditions of the recycling fee.
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