The number of Telegram Premium users has tripled and exceeded 12 million. In addition, the app's revenue from advertising has increased significantly. As a result, Telegram's revenues amounted to over $ 1 billion. This ensured that the company ended the year with financial reserves of over $500 million, excluding cryptocurrency assets.
Durov noted that in the fall, the company liquidated most of the debt accumulated over the past four years, amounting to approximately $ 2 billion. According to Durov, the monetization of Telegram, including the sale of mini-applications, "stars" (Telegram's internal currency, approx. "Media Talk"), gifts, lotteries and the launch of business services confirm that social networks can ensure income stability while maintaining their independence and respecting the rights of users.
In early December, the Toncoin exchange rate (a cryptocurrency issued by Pavel Durov) approached a record of $8 per unit. As of 20.00 on December 23, the exchange rate of 1 toncoin is $ 5.40.