The cost of a new passenger car in Russia has risen to 3.16 million rubles

July 12th. /MEDIA TALK/.On Friday, July 12, it became known that in the first half of 2024, the cost of a new passenger car in the Russian Federation rose to 3.16 million rubles. This was written by Vedomosti with reference to the analytics of the agency Autostat.

The indicator grew by 14% year-on-year.

Стоимость нового легкового автомобиля в РФ поднялась до 3,16 миллиона рублей

Analysts added that in January-June 2023, the dynamics were slightly slower. It amounted to +12%, up to 2.68 million rubles.

Over the past year, the average price of a car without mileage in Russia reached 2.96 million. This is 24% more than in 2022.

Recall that this spring the repayment period for car loans in the Russian Federation exceeded 5.5 years. Experts called the reason for the trend the high demand for car loans and the rise in price of cars.
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