Analysis of the execution of the expenditure part of the budget of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow region for 9 months of 2024

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Analysis of the execution of the expenditure part of the budget of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow region for 9 months of 2024
November 21. /MEDIA TALK/.The total amount of budget expenditures of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow Region for 2024 was approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow Region dated 12/19/2023 No. 421/39-NPA "On approval of the budget of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow Region for 2024 and for the planning period 2025 and 2026" in the amount of 17,568,835.8 thousand rubles.

During 2024, changes were made to the expenditure part of the budget, and as of 01.10.2024, the planned budget allocations for 2024 increased by 5,319,662.8 thousand rubles or 30.3 percent of the originally approved planned assignments and amounted to 22,888,498.7 thousand rubles.

Photo: The Press service of the Administration of the city of Pushkin

The expenditure part of the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District is formed by a program-targeted method. Planned budget allocations for financing the activities of municipal programs are provided in the amount of 22,752,270.6 thousand rubles, which is 99.4% of the total expenditure part of the district budget.

An analysis of the expenditure of funds from the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow Region to finance activities of municipal programs and non-program expenditures for 9 months of 2024, compared with the same period in 2023, is presented in table 1.

Table 1 thousand rubles

. The total amount of budget expenditures of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow region, taking into account non-program expenditures for 9 months of 2024, amounted to 13,968,534.9 thousand rubles.

In the total budget expenditures of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow Region for 9 months of 2024 (13,968,534.9 thousand rubles), the cost of financing municipal program activities amounted to 13,849,732.5 thousand rubles, or 99.1 percent, non-programmatic activities 0.9 percent.

For 9 months of 2024, the volume of budget funds financed
under municipal programs was fulfilled by 60.9%, which is 1.5% or
by 3,204,418.6 thousand rubles more than in the same period of 2023.

An analysis of the implementation of municipal programs showed that in 9 months of 2024, 7 municipal programs managed to achieve a high level of implementation of program activities above 70% in relation
to planned indicators.

Execution of the budget of the Pushkinsky City District by expenses
during 9 months of 2024, it was carried out in accordance
with the distribution of budget allocations by sections, subsections, target items (municipal programs and non-programmatic areas of activity), groups, subgroups of types of expenses of the classification of expenses, according to the departmental structure of expenses by target items (municipal programs and non-programmatic areas of activity), groups, subgroups of types of expenses of the classification of expenses.

Information on the structure of expenditures, planned and actual execution of expenditures of the budget of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow region for 9 months of 2024 in comparison with the same period of the previous year is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 thousand rubles.

In the total budget structure of the Pushkinsky City District
for 9 months of 2024, the largest share, amounting to 54.5 percent, is occupied by expenditures under section 07 00 "Education". The execution under this section for 9 months of 2024 amounted to 7,616,609,7 thousand rubles. The increase in the indicator compared to last year's level was 31.5 percent.

In second place for 9 months of 2024 is the level of expenditures under section 05 00 "Housing and communal services". In the total volume of budget expenditures, the share of expenditures under this section is 24.5 percent. Compared with the level of the same period in 2024, the indicator increased by 31.4 percent or by 1,075,890.0 thousand rubles.

Actual expenses for 9 months of 2024 increased compared to the same period of 2023 in the sections "National Economy" by 145 170.6 thousand rubles, "National issues" by 125 493.1 thousand rubles, "National security and law enforcement" by 9 289.3 thousand rubles, "Physical culture and sports" by 69 231.4 thousand rubles.rubles, "Culture and cinematography" for 107,884.1 thousand rubles.

At the same time, there is a 78.1% decrease in the level of expenditures under section 06 00 "Environmental protection" compared to last year.

According to section 02 00 "National Defense" for 9 months of 2024
expenses from the budget of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow region
they were not produced.

The share of expenditures by sections in the total budget expenditures of the Pushkinsky City District of the Moscow Region for 9 months of 2024 is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Expenses for education, culture, health care, physical education
and sports, social security of the population amounted to 8,612,813.1 thousand rubles.

Expenses for social sectors are distributed as follows:

    education – 7,616,609,7 thousand rubles;
    culture – 486,294.6 thousand rubles;
    social policy – 268,803.1 thousand rubles;
    physical education and sports – 231 381.7 thousand rubles;
    healthcare – 9 724.0 thousand rubles.

Also significant priority areas are the sphere of housing and communal services, which includes housing, communal services and landscaping - 3,428,241.1 thousand rubles were spent for these purposes, and the national economy section, including including expenses on road facilities - 840,637.0 thousand rubles were spent for these purposes.

Thus, a significant part of the budget of the Pushkinsky Urban District has a social orientation, which makes it possible to improve the quality of life and create comfortable conditions for residents of the Pushkinsky Urban District of the Moscow region.
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