The Minister of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia, Adel Galiullin, said in his Telegram channel that the region has exceeded the plan for reforestation this year. In the period from the end of April to the middle of November, 2,120.2 hectares of forest lands were restored in the Republic of Mordovia. The result was 102% of the planned amount of work.
It is noteworthy that the plantings used its own seed material. The goal of protecting forests, defined within the framework of the national Ecology project for 2024, has been successfully achieved, according to the Minister. In 2025, it is planned to restore forests on an area of 2,110 hectares.
Photo: Telegram channel of the Minister of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Moldova
During the season, forestry staff carried out a set of measures to take care of forest areas. On the territory of over three thousand hectares, work was carried out on agrotechnical care of forest plantations that were planted earlier. In particular, work was carried out on tillage and weed removal.
Young forests require special attention and care. This year, mandatory logging was carried out on an area of 915.7 hectares, which should help increase the productivity of forest lands.
Earlier we wrote that coniferous forests are being planted in Mordovia according to the national project.
Photo: Telegram channel of the Minister of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Moldova