There is a feedback platform in the Angara region through which you can ask questions on various topics.

There is a feedback platform in the Angara region through which you can ask questions on various topics.
January 9th. /MEDIA TALK/. The Irkutsk Region has a feedback platform for requests from local residents. One of the most common issues is the condition and maintenance of roads in the region. The program operates within the framework of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" and the national project "Digital Economy".

For example, one of the residents of the Angara region asked to sprinkle the roads, as the asphalt turned into an ice slide, which the car could not climb. The local administration responded to the request, the specialists carried out a partial processing and then informed the citizen about it.


In another area, a resident reported a defect in the asphalt pavement. The contractor carried out "bug fixes" and fixed the problem.

In 2024, residents of the region sent 55,000 messages through the Platform. The service is available through the website of Public Services, the press service of the Government of the Irkutsk region reports.

Earlier we wrote that in the Irkutsk region, five men were sent to a penal colony for illegal logging.
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