Twenty new buses will be launched on one of the routes in Voronezh tomorrow

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Twenty new buses will be launched on one of the routes in Voronezh tomorrow
November 6. /MEDIA TALK/.The mayor of the city spoke about the work on updating the fleet.

The head of Voronezh, Sergey Petrin, announced in his official Telegram channel that twenty new buses will be launched on route No. 74 tomorrow, November 7. These are the middle-class cars of the "Vector NEXT" GROOVE. They will run along the route, which has been extended to the stop "Branch of the dental clinic No. 6" in the Kominternovsky district. The mayor also noted that all residents' comments on the work of urban transport are recorded and the administration is doing everything possible to improve it.

Note that route No. 74 is operated by a private carrier. Earlier, smaller buses ran along it. The new "paziki" were purchased on preferential leasing terms. They were delivered at the end of October, and all the equipment underwent the necessary preparation and registration procedures. Buses of the same brand began to be produced in 2006, they replace the outdated PAZ-3205 models.

Photo: Press Service of the Voronezh City District Administration
In total, private transport companies have recently purchased 170 units of new rolling stock as part of this business support program. They are used on routes №№ 10, 12, 16, 20, 54, 74, 80, 90. Thirty buses have been transferred to the balance of ATP-1, they run on routes No. 10 and 12.

"Work with carriers in terms of further updating of fleets will continue," Sergey Petrin said.

By the way, today the Voronezh trolleybus turns 64 years old. The first flight on the route Southwest district - Voronezh–1 railway station was performed by ten MTB-82 vehicles on November 6, 1960. Today, trolleybuses run in the city on routes No. 7, No. 99 and 11.

Earlier, we told you that Voronezh optimizes traffic with the help of markings.

Photo: The Press Service of the Voronezh City District Administration
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